Convoy off Dover raided.

Night: Activity on a reduced scale over land.

Weather: Fair all over Britain. Thames Estuary and Dover hazy.

Main Activity:

At 0734 hours, a formidable enemy formation consisting of forty-eight Ju 87 Stuka dive-bombers from IV/LG 1, II/StG 1, and II/StG 3, escorted by eighty Bf 109s from JG 51 and III/JG 26, crossed the Channel to launch a concentrated assault on Dover Harbour. In response, Spitfires from Nos. 41 and 64 Squadrons, along with Hurricanes from Nos. 56 and 501 Squadrons, were scrambled to intercept. The RAF fighters managed to shoot down three Stukas and inflict damage on six other German aircraft, including four Bf 109s that crash-landed in France. However, the engagement came at a cost, with two RAF fighters lost and several others damaged. Despite the valiant defense, the Stukas successfully sank the steamer SS Gronland and the patrol yacht Gulzar, while also destroying HMS Sandhurst.

At 1300 hours, a small formation of Ju 88 bombers from II/KG 76 targeted trawlers off Dungeness with a low-level attack. Their efforts caused no damage, as one bomber collided with a barrage balloon cable and another was brought down by anti-aircraft fire.

Later, at approximately 1720 hours, eleven Bf 110 fighter-bombers from ErprGr 210, escorted by thirty Bf 110 fighters from ZG 26, launched an attack on the convoy codenamed CAT off Harwich. Several RAF squadrons were scrambled, but only Hurricanes from No. 151 Squadron engaged the enemy. The Hurricanes managed to damage a Bf 110 fighter-bomber, though two of their own aircraft were forced to land due to damage sustained in the engagement. The attack resulted in two ships in the convoy being hit, underscoring the persistent threat posed by the Luftwaffe.

German Losses
Airmen: 25 | Aircraft: 11

British Losses
Airmen: 3 | Aircraft: 6

Spitfire N3038, No. 41 Squadron. Aircraft Lost.
F/O D.R. Gamblen. Missing. Disappeared over Dover.

Hurricane L1955 , No. 43 Squadron. Crashed and burnt out.
P/O K.C. Campbell. Killed.

Hurricane P3879, No. 56 Squadron. Crashed and exploded in the Channel off Dover.
F/Sgt C.J. Cooney. Killed. Shot down by Bf 109.

Photo Descriptions:

  1. Dover Harbour under air attack by Ju 87 Stuka dive-bombers on 29 July 1940.
  2. HMS Sandhurst burning in Dover Harbour on 29 July 1940 after being bombed. Alongside is the broken wreck of HMS Codrington.
  3. Pilots of ‘B’ Flight, No. 32 Squadron relax on the grass at RAF Hawkinge in front of Hurricane Mk I P3522, GZ-V, 29 July 1940. From left to right: Pilot Officer R F Smythe; Pilot Officer K R Gillman; Pilot Officer J E Procter; Flight Lieutenant P M Brothers; Pilot Officer D H Grice; Pilot Officer P M Gardner and Pilot Officer A F Eckford. All survived the war except Keith Gillman who was posted missing 25 August 1940. © IWM (HU 54418)
  4. Three Hurricanes of No. 32 Squadron taxying for take-off at Hawkinge, 29 July 1940. The centre aircraft is N2459, normally flown by Pilot Officer ‘Grubby’ Grice. © IWM (HU 69116)
  5. Hawker Hurricane Mk I P3522 of No. 32 Squadron, flown by Pilot Officer Rupert Smythe, taxying at Hawkinge, 29 July 1940. © IWM (HU 54417)
  6. Spitfire pilots of No. 610 Squadron relaxing between sorties at ‘A’ Flight dispersal at Hawkinge, 29 July 1940. © IWM (HU 1062)