Convoys off shipping at Dover attacked. Night: Widespread minelaying from the Needles, Isle of Wight, to Land’s End; Bristol Channel and eastern coastal waters. Weather: Occasional thunderstorms. Straits of Dover cloudy clearing to bright intervals. Main Activity: At approximately 1300 hours, nine Ju 87 Stuka dive-bombers from III/StG 2, escorted by seventeen Bf 109s from […]
Sunday 21 July 1940
Raids on convoys in Channel and Straits of Dover. Night: Targets chiefly at Merseyside. Weather: Fine and fair early, clouding over during the morning. Fair in the evening. Main Activity: At 1005 hours, a section of Hurricanes from No. 238 Squadron intercepted and shot down a reconnaissance Messerschmitt Bf 110 from 4.(F)/14 that had ventured […]
Monday 22 July 1940
Shipping off the south coast attacked. Night: Minelaying the whole length of the eastern seaboard. Weather: Straits fair; Channel cloudy. Light westerly winds in both. Bright intervals between showers in the east. Main Activity: At approximately 0730 hours, three Hurricanes from No. 145 Squadron intercepted a Dornier Do 17P reconnaissance aircraft from 4.(F)/121. The Hurricanes […]
Tuesday 23 July 1940
East coast shipping raided. Night: Minelaying from Dover to the Tyne and Forth Estuary. Weather: Slight haze in the Straits of Dover. Cloudy with occasional rain in other districts. Main Activity: At 1540 hours, three Spitfires from No. 603 Squadron intercepted a Dornier Do 17 bomber from 3./KG 3 during a raid near Kinnaird’s Head. […]
Wednesday 24 July 1940
Convoys and shipping in the Channel attacked Night: Nil. Weather: Channel and Straits of Dover cloudy. Coastal and hill fog in western districts spreading east. Rain in most districts. Main Activity: At 0815 hours, six Spitfires from No. 54 Squadron were scrambled to intercept a formation of Dornier Do 17 bombers from II/KG 2 targeting […]
Thursday 25 July 1940
Convoys and shipping in the Channel raided Night: Minelaying in the Firth of Forth and Thames Estuary. Reconnaissance over Bristol and Channel area. Weather: Fine day with haze in the Straits of Dover. Winds north-westerly and light. Main Activity: At 1207 hours, a large formation of Messerschmitt Bf 109s from III/JG 52 approached Dover at […]

Friday 26 July 1940
Shipping off the south coast attacked. Night: Minelaying in Thames Estuary and off the Norfolk coast. Bristol area. Weather: Heavy cloud with rain and poor visibility. Main Activity: At approximately 0945 hours, six Hurricanes from No. 601 Squadron intercepted a formation of Messerschmitt Bf 109s from III/JG 27 near the Isle of Wight. In the […]
Saturday 27 July 1940
Raids on shipping and naval units in Dover harbour and Straits. Night: Attacks on south-west England. Weather: Fair Straits, cloudy in Channel. Slight rain in the midlands and the North Sea. Main Activity: Shortly before 0800 hours, thirty Ju 87 Stuka dive-bombers from I/StG 77, escorted by Messerschmitt Bf 109s from JG 27, launched an […]
Sunday 28 July 1940
Shipping attacked off Dover and south coast ports. Night: Minelaying from Thames Estuary to Humber. Scattered raiders over England and Wales. Weather: Fine early. Fair for the rest of the day, clouding over in the evening. Main Activity: At 1335 hours, a significant enemy raid was detected crossing the Dover Straits. Twenty-four Spitfires from Nos. […]
Monday 29 July 1940
Convoy off Dover raided. Night: Activity on a reduced scale over land. Weather: Fair all over Britain. Thames Estuary and Dover hazy. Main Activity: At 0734 hours, a formidable enemy formation consisting of forty-eight Ju 87 Stuka dive-bombers from IV/LG 1, II/StG 1, and II/StG 3, escorted by eighty Bf 109s from JG 51 and […]